On a Mission: Statement

Me and my “savage” 😉 (wonderful, amazing, awesome, and totally the boss) friend Anika were partners for writing our class mission statement. Well, the rough draft of it. We started by writing a rough draft in our notebooks with our partner, then we wrote a rough draft on a poster, then we compiled a personal class mission statement from our favorite parts from the whole class’ statements. Finally, we ended up with a class mission statement. It was quite the process, but miraculously, it only took 2 days to finish! I enjoyed finishing it, earlier today. My favorite part of it was when we were drawing it onto the poster board. Me and Anika drew pictures, added lots and lots of color, and wrote it in different fonts. We also added quotes and what WE had to say about it. It ended up looking really beautiful, in my opinion, and the writing itself was something we both felt really proud of. The reason our class was making them was technically because our teacher, Ms. Haseltine, felt like we needed to. But also, because our school’s principal had just made the school a new mission statement, and he reads it every morning during the announcements. Ms. Haseltine had come up with the idea that maybe our class could have our own! Our statement will hopefully change our class for the better, by inspiring everyone to (1 embrace opportunities by trying their hardest and not giving up (2 not be afraid to learn, and (3 dare to dream, among other valuable things.

2 Replies to “On a Mission: Statement”

  1. ♥ anika ♥ says: Reply

    I really enjoyed doing the project too! 😀 This was a great blog post. Good job!!! 🙂

  2. Mrs. Sokolowski says: Reply

    I love the idea of a class mission statement! It sounds like you really enjoyed the process and got a lot out of it.
    -Mrs. Sokolowski, teacher, NY

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