Melted Dreams

Have you ever had a melted dream? I have. You have, too, at some point in your life. Everyone has. It’s a dream, like “I will be the first girl to live on Mars.” but someone else melts it. “A girl can’t live on Mars.”

I wanted to be an actress. Someone melted my dream. Someone else held my hand and rebuilt it. I wanted to be a clean, non-offensive comedian. Someone melted it. Someone else told me that the other person was joking, that it wasn’t true what they said. In that way, someone re-built it. But by that time, I had moved on  to another dream. But I still love to make people laugh.  I now have millions of mini little dreams. Many of them have melted at some point, but been rebuilt. Some of them are just little things. 1-cent smiles, bouncy memories, lucid dreams so wonderful I wrote them down in an attempt to grab them and hold them forever. When one of your dreams melts, don’t worry! Think of water. It’s a solid, then someone takes it out of the freezer, and it melts. But if you put it back in the freezer, it can re-form. If you have the right person to take your hand and guide you, they can help you rebuild your dreams. My Mom grabbed me tight and told me that my dreams are worth everything, that I am just perfect the way I am. My Dad patted me on my back and told me to keep fighting, that if there’s a will, there’s a way. My siblings held my hand and told me they loved me. My best friend grabbed me, shook me by the shoulders, and told me to stop believing what other people said! She made me remember that I was special and amazing. My dreams are now all one big shimmery bundle, shining like a star deep in my heart. My loved ones all helped me rebuild my melted dreams. If you ever have a melted dream at any time in your life, just find one of your people. They’ll hold your hand and rebuild you, lifting you up and shining you, polishing you. Remember: Think of the people who annoy you as sandpaper. They’ll keep rubbing and rubbing, but by the time they stop, you’ll be polished and smooth and sparkling, and they’ll be useless. Remember my words. This is important. Someday you will remember this and it will help you.

3 Replies to “Melted Dreams”

  1. A.S. Pride-Lion says: Reply

    I’m pretty sure that all of us have had a melted dream. It just takes perseverance and viola! Rebuilt! Great job on your blog!

  2. Aleks Muppot says: Reply

    Great job on your blog! Very encouraging words to believe in yourself and to follow your dream.

  3. This story was very inspiring and encourages people to not listen to the negative thing. Good Job

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